Cultural and Natural Exploration: Sintang as a Tourism Center Based on Local Wisdom

Cultural and Natural Exploration: Sintang as a Tourism Center Based on Local Wisdom

Sintang is one of the areas in West Kalimantan that has extraordinary uniqueness—both in terms of culture and nature. I visited there several years ago, and to be honest, that experience opened my eyes to how local wisdom can be a strong foundation for building sustainable tourism. When I first arrived in Sintang, the thing…

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Why Bukit Kelam Should Be on Every Nature Lover’s Bucket List

Why Bukit Kelam Should Be on Every Nature Lover’s Bucket List

Bukit Kelam is hidden in West Kalimantan’s rainforests. It’s a wonder that draws in nature fans and explorers. This unique rock formation shows the area’s history and the fight to save the environment.

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Bukit Kelam's Forests

Beyond the Heights: Secrets Hidden Within Bukit Kelam’s Forests

Standing at the base of Bukit Kelam, I felt a mix of wonder and excitement. This hidden gem, in Indonesia’s lush tropical forests, was ready to share its secrets. I was eager to explore them. Bukit Kelam’s forests are more than beautiful; they’re a hotspot for biodiversity. They have ancient rocks, unique climates, and complex…

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pantai kapuas

Pantai Kapuas > Keindahan Sungai yang Memikat di Kabupaten Sintang

Sintang News, Meskipun tidak berbatasan langsung dengan laut, Kabupaten Sintang memiliki daya tarik tersendiri dengan destinasi yang dikenal sebagai Pantai Kapuas. Terletak di sepanjang tepian Sungai Kapuas, pantai ini menawarkan suasana santai dan panorama alam yang menenangkan. Pantai Kapuas menjadi salah satu destinasi wisata favorit masyarakat lokal maupun wisatawan yang ingin menikmati pesona sungai terbesar…

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