Exploring Dayak Weaving: Ancient Art of Borneo
Discover the intricate art of Dayak weaving, a centuries-old tradition from Borneo’s indigenous tribes. I explore the techniques, patterns, and cultural significance of this textile heritage
Discover the intricate art of Dayak weaving, a centuries-old tradition from Borneo’s indigenous tribes. I explore the techniques, patterns, and cultural significance of this textile heritage
Explore the mystical Bujang Beji and the Kelam Hill in West Sumatra, Indonesia. Experience the natural wonders and ancient legends of this hidden gem in Southeast Asia
Sintang is one of the areas in West Kalimantan that has extraordinary uniqueness—both in terms of culture and nature. I visited there several years ago, and to be honest, that experience opened my eyes to how local wisdom can be a strong foundation for building sustainable tourism. When I first arrived in Sintang, the thing…
Discover the truth about Bukit Kelam’s claim as I explore the question: Is Bukit Kelam the Largest Monolith in the World? A Journey to Find Out. Join my quest for answers.
Jelajahi manfaat buah pedalai untuk kesehatan dan kecantikan. Temukan cara manfaatkan buah eksotis ini untuk memperkaya nutrisi harian Anda.
Sintang News – Ngamik Bini adalah salah satu tradisi adat yang dimiliki oleh masyarakat Dayak di Kabupaten Sintang, Kalimantan Barat. Dalam bahasa Dayak, “Ngamik Bini” secara harfiah berarti “menjemput istri”. Tradisi ini merupakan prosesi menyambut mempelai perempuan oleh keluarga mempelai laki-laki. Lebih dari sekadar seremonial pernikahan, Ngamik Bini mencerminkan nilai-nilai penghormatan, penerimaan, dan keakraban dalam…